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Frequently Asked Questions

Over the past few days Tracie in the office has been fielding many of the same questions from parents who shared many similar legitimate concerns. We have compiled a short list of some of the most frequent questions and attempted to answer them. Hopefully it might clear up some common concerns.

What they need to bring 1st day?

Not a whole pile, just their school bag, pens, pencils and a few copies. No need to bring in any books. They will not be doing much in terms of school work on their first day back. Tours, talks, covid guidelines, meet and greet plus induction etc. if needed. Everything else will be provided. 

Uncollected books for 1st years?

Those who were unable to get their books last week need not worry. Ms Fenix will distribute the remaining books on their first day in school which is Friday the 27th of August for 1st years. Make sure they have their school bag to bring them home. Books for options subjects will be distributed when the option process is complete in early October.

Books other years? 

Students in other years already have all the books they need. Any additional books will be provided as they are needed i.e., English novels and exam papers etc.

Students who are transferring in from other schools will be given their books over the course of the first week as they finalise subject options. 

Students going into 5th year, LCA and TY will be given their books over the course of the first week, again, as their subject options become clear.

Uniform - where can I get it? 

School uniform jumper, skirt, and tie can all be purchased in TW's. The trousers and shirts can also be purchased in TW's but are generic and can be purchased in any retail shop.

Here is a link from our website in relation to the uniform.

PE uniform? 

Because the PE uniform was introduced in a hurry last year due to Covid (we had to close our changing rooms) we provide the PE uniform in the school at a reduced rate.

Our PE Dept will coordinate the sizing and collection of the money for the PE uniform.

Each item is €25.

1/2 Zip €25

Tracksuit Bottoms €25

Plain blue or white Polo Shirt can be purchased in any retail shop.

This will be done in the 1st week of September.

Again, see our website for our PE Uniform

School Coat/Jacket- Where can I buy from and how much does it cost?

There is an school jacket which many of the students have already and this jacket is still fine to use as part of the school uniform.

Due to requests from the students via the student council our students wanted a more modern jacket. This request was honoured by the school management and Board of Management. Again, these will be for sale in the school via the PE Dept on the 2nd week in September. They will cost €40 which is substantially cheaper than the old one.

However, despite been ordered in June, unfortunately the arrival date which has been given is the 5th of September. Hopefully the weather will still be ok when we return and the jackets won’t be needed for the first week or so. Fingers crossed.

If you have any other query please contact the school on and someone will get back to you.

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