
“Student wellbeing is present when students realise their abilities, take care of their physical wellbeing, can cope with the normal stresses of life and have a sense of purpose and belonging to a wider community”. ( NCCA Guidelines for Wellbeing 2018)
Pastoral care underlies all relationships within the school community. Inver College aims to create a safe and happy environment which enriches the lives of its students. From the moment a student is enrolled, there are specific teachers on the staff whose roles are to ensure that students’ wellbeing is supported throughout their time in the college.
The Principal, Deputy Principal, ASD co-ordinator, School Completion team and SEN team liaise with primary schools to enable a smooth transition to secondary school. The school organises a orientation programme for all first years, to help them make the adjustment from primary to secondary school. A comprehensive transition programme is arranged for students with autism.
Students meet their tutors on a daily basis and teachers also take wellbeing classes each week and take an active role in each student’s progress. Year Heads monitor an entire year group in conjunction with the Tutors, Guidance Counsellors, Deputy Principal and Principal. Regular assemblies are held in each group.
The student support team is an important part of the pastoral care system in the school. The remit of the team is to provide a range of supports that cater for the learning, social, emotional and behavioural needs of the students. Members of the team include Deputy Principal, year head, guidance counsellor, teachers, ASD co-ordinator, SNAs and a member of the SEN team. The career counsellor also works to help students who may encounter difficulties with their lives.
The careers department strongly believe that young people learn more effectively and have better academic outcomes if they are happy in their work, believe in themselves and feel acknowledged and supported in their schools. The wellbeing of our young people is critical to their success in education and life. A whole school guidance approach prepares students to develop wellbeing and positive mental health, where emotional wellbeing may be understood as an educational end in and of itself. A whole school approach involves all members of the school community engaging in a collaborative process to change and improve specific areas of school life that impact on wellbeing. A whole school approach produces a wide range of benefits for students, including improved behaviour, increased inclusion, improved learning, greater social cohesion, increased social capital and improvements on mental health.
The careers counsellor also help students with career orientation, organise CAT tests, Open Day visits to third level colleges, careers talks, careers fairs, mock interviews and arrange for relevant guest speakers to visit the school.
The SEN department works as part of the whole school approach to students with special educational needs. Student wellbeing is an integral part of the work of the SEN department. In the creation of an inclusive, supportive, learning environment for all students which enables them to develop coping mechanisms and build resilience for the present and into the future.
An S.P.H.E. (Social, Personal & Health Education) programme provides valuable insights and information to junior students.
“Student wellbeing is present when students realise their abilities, take care of their physical wellbeing, can cope with the normal stresses of life and have a sense of purpose and belonging to a wider community”. (cf NCCA Guidelines for Wellbeing 2018). The school community provides a wide range of programmes it provides to promote student wellbeing, these include Belonging Plus and a Wellbeing Week.