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General Information

School Uniform

The uniform consists of a navy v-neck jumper, pale blue shirt, tie, navy trousers & plain black shoes (runners are not acceptable).

School Day


Tutor time begins each morning at 8:50am and concludes at 9:02am.

During this time each tutor group meets with their tutor and tends to requirements to set them up for a successful day of learning. At this time Inver College students also avail of a tutorial lesson on a topic relating to the theme being explored during that particular week. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to explore and learn more on a range of topics applicable to their lives. Our tutor time prepares our school community for a successful day of learning. 


Our school day concludes on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 15:45. On Wednesday our school day concludes at 13:09.

Enrolment Assessment


All students offered a place at Inver College will be invited to attend an assessment morning in our school. This assessment allows us to look at the subjects best suited to our students. This information allows us to support students as they make subject choices. Assessment also highlights any extra supports our students may require and informs us of how best to plan to address the needs of our students.

First Year Classes

All classes are mixed ability and have a balance of girls and boys.


Subject Sampling

While subjects are selected prior to September Inver College allows a sampling period of one month whereby students are encouraged to try other subjects in order to ensure that they are choosing the subjects most suited to their interests and skill set.

Partnership with Parents

There is an active Parents Council which works with the Principal on the future development of the college. All parents are members of the Parents’ Association and may attend the Parents’ Association AGM.


Induction Programme for Parents


Inver College encourages positive communication with parents/guardians. We understand that the close bond between school and home ultimately benefits the student. We understand that the transition into secondary school can be challenging for students and parents alike.  The Senior Management Team in Inver College endeavours to meet every new parent/guardian early in this transition to introduce themselves personally, assist with subject options, give extra information required and address any concerns. Inver College runs an “Induction Evening” for parents in September to keep parents abreast of how the transition is progressing. An informal coffee morning is hosted in October for parents to meet teachers, year heads and tutors in a relaxed atmosphere prior to the more formal Parent/Teacher meeting held later in the school year.


Computer and STEM room

There is a computer room and STEM room available in the college for information technology, coding, research, robotics and project-based, cross-curricular activities. The STEM room is fully equipped with a suite of iPads, Surface computers, micro:bits, Lego Mindstorm sets, raspberry pi and spheros.


Specialist Rooms

There are specialist rooms for Art, Technical Graphics/DCG, Woodwork, Metalwork, Technology, STEM, Sports and Science Labs. All classrooms are equipped with digital projectors and full Wi-Fi connectivity.

Supervised Study

Inver College operates a programme of after school study for students. A fee is charged for this service. This provides a highly productive environment conducive to quality learning.

Homework Club

This club runs after school on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and is suitable for younger members of the school community. Students are assisted with their homework and given a small snack.

Academic Tracking of Students

Student progress is tracked and monitored and students are encouraged to engage in their own learning while developing a consistent work ethic.


A canteen service is available for all students. The canteen provides a free breakfast from 7:30am every morning and a choice of healthy, free lunches for all students which are prepared on site by our excellent kitchen staff.


Lockers are available for students and are accessed at break times.

Sport Facilities

Inver College offers a lively and varied Physical Education programme. Students have access to top quality indoor and outdoor sports facilities including a sports hall, gymnasium, full size GAA pitch, soccer pitch, hard surface playing court, tennis courts and outdoor basketball courts.

Lunch Time Activities

As junior students are not allowed leave the school grounds at break times, the school endeavours to provide numerous lunchtime activities such as internal leagues for the students to keep fit and have fun.


Pastoral Care

The dignity, welfare and happiness of all our students is at the heart of Inver College. Each year group is assigned a Year Head and each class is assigned a Form Tutor. The Form Tutor meets their class each morning and they oversee the academic progress and general wellbeing of the respective form class.

Learning Support

There is a well-established Special Education Needs Department in Inver College. General classes have a teacher and a co-ordinating teacher as well as a special needs assistant. This supports all students as well as students with special educational needs enabling them to reach their full potential.

Scholarships and Awards Scheme

Many of our past students have been recipients of the George Moore Scholarship Awards, JP McManus Award, Kingspan Awards and many more prestigious awards are available to Inver College students and some are exclusively available to Inver College students. Over €100,000 has being provided to Inver College students over the last few years. 


Student receive awards during the school year, these awards are:

  • Subject Achievement

  • Achievement

  • Student of the Year

  • Activ8 & Award

  • Most Improved

  • Dedication

  • School Spirit Award

  • Music Award

  • Extra-curricular Achievement

  • Principal's Award

  • Attendance

  • Christopher Fealy Award

  • Farney School Completion Programme

Inver College is lucky enough to have full-time student support workers from SCP working on-site. These support workers provide invaluable supports to students when they most need it. They are some of the unsung heroes of Inver College. We never know when the road gets rocky for any of us, but the SCP will be there for any of our students when they need it.


Positive Code of Behaviour

Inver College operates a merit system based on points. Students receive points for good behaviour, academic success, top sporting performances, general decency and much more. Students who receive the required level of points are rewarded with a “Rewards Trip”, first- and second-year students go on a three-day adventure holiday to Connemara for example. We are proud to say that the majority of students qualify for the trips.


VS Ware

Inver College is a national leader in the effective use of the school admin system VS Ware. All aspects of your child's performance in terms of academic attainment, behaviour, attendance and much more is recorded on VS Ware. What makes Inver College so unique in terms of this is that we share all that information with parents in real time. This keeps parents fully abreast of all matters pertaining to their children’s education and are fully involved in the process.


Career Guidance and Counselling

In first year the Career Guidance counsellor advises and assists students to make the transition from primary school to secondary school. Senior students mentor incoming first year students and help them in the transition from primary to secondary school.


Home School Community Liaison

Inver College is in the privileged position of having its very own full time, dedicated HSCL person. This position affords parents with an invaluable link to the school and their child/childrens progression.


Book rental

In Inver College we are delighted to offer our students the dual book scheme. This reduces the financial burden for families. Inver College books are rented by our students on a yearly basis. They have a set of books at home and have access to the same textbooks in the classroom. This ensures that Inver College students do not have the burden of carrying heavy school bags to school.

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